Rüdiger Sünner

Rüdiger Sünner, born 1953 in Köln on the Rhine, is a German author and documentary film maker, most notable for his book and his documentary on the Schwarze Sonne.



1970 Abitur

From 1972 to 1985 he studied music, music science, German and philosophy. Beside being a musician in different Pop groups and training activity as flutist.

In 1985 he gradutated in the art and philosophy of Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

From 1986-1991 he studied at the German film and television academy in Berlin (DFFB).

Since 1991 he has operated as author, film producer and musician in Berlin.

Schwarze Sonne

Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) is a 2001 German book by Rüdiger Sünner that explores the occult roots of Nazism .

Sünner produced a documentary of the same name. While filming the documentary at the Wewelsburg castle, he was allegedly threatened by a Nazi-skinhead, brandishing his fist with a Black Sun tattoo. Apparently he regarded Sünner's film as a desecration.[1]

Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) is a 1998 90-minute German documentary, subtitled in English, that explores the occult roots of Nazism, also regarding the occult meaning of the Wewelsburg mosaic.

Its sub naming is "Kultorte und Esoterik des III. Reichs" (Cult places and Esotericism of the Third Reich) and "Mythologische Hintergründe des Nationalsozialismus" (The Mythological Background of National Socialism).

It was written and directed by Rüdiger Sünner, and produced by absolut Medien GmbH. Sünner wrote a book of the same name.

See also


  1. ^ Black Sun (book) by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

External links